Don’t Be Upset By The Results You Didn’t Get From The Work You Didn’t Do.

It’s so easy to gaze out at other people’s lives and careers and feel resentful, jealous or just plain defeated.

So easy to make justifications for your unwillingness to take action (“I’m busy…. I’ve got kids… I’ll start on Monday…)

So easy to do nothing at all.

That’s fine. Do nothing if that’s what suits you.

But if you are choosing to do nothing…

Don’t be mad about the results you didn’t earn from the work you didn’t do.

I was that girl — stuck and frustrated girl — for years and it brought me zero satisfaction — just a whole mess of jealousy and tons of regret over missed opportunities.

That’s no way to move through this short, precious life that we’re given.

See something you want?

Don’t be jealous.

Be driven.

Choose to make it happen.

Put in the time, sweat and courage.

Be your own white knight.

Do the work.

Nothing (and I mean nothing) feels better than savoring a personal triumph… a huge breakthrough… a new business… a new body… a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity… a heightened level of confidence and inner strength that can never be taken away… looking back on all of the hard, messy and beautiful work that you did to create it, and knowing, without a doubt,

“I earned it.”

Make the change.
#motivation #motivationalmindset #mindsetquotes #quotes#mindset #love #makeithappen #bethebestyou #lovelife#instagood #inspire #bethebest #beyou #dream #lifequotes #life



Toni Sweeney is a Triple Certified Ketogenic Diet and Primal Health Coach and weight loss expert who personally lost 80 pounds while making a total lifestyle change. The founder of TS Transformations, her formulas and plans has helped thousands of women lose weight and keep it off forever.

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