7 Day Flat Tummy Cleanse

Battling excess weight can be one of the most frustrating, challenging, and emotionally draining experiences on this earth. Many people struggle with the never-ending battle to lose weight and get healthy. Despite the numerous fad diets, exercise regimens, and magic pills for weight loss, Americans continue to grow larger and larger in leaps and bounds. Losing weight isn’t easy. Most people who follow a diet will put that weight back on over the course of a 3-5 year period. The only way to keep it off is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE.
Lifestyle change? What do you mean? First you’ll will have to forget that word “diet”. When a person goes “on” a diet, that usually implies they will “go off” the diet at some point. A typical diet is something you do for a period of time. What happens when you go off the diet? You gain all that weight back. With this 7 day detox we will train your taste buds to desire and crave healthier foods so you don’t have to think about dieting again!
Most common health improvements after a smoothie detox:

  • Weight Loss
  • Increased energy
  • Mental clarity
  • Better sleep
  • Reduced cravings
  • Less bloating

Why should you do a smoothie cleanse?
There are many factors that contribute to weight gain and the one that is most overlooked is excess toxins in the body. When the body is overloaded with toxins, it transfers energy away from burning calories to work harder to detoxify the body. In other words, the body does not have the energy to burn calories. However, when the body is efficiently getting rid of toxins, the energy can be used to burn fat.
Do you need to detox?

  • Do you crave sweets, bread, pasta, white rice, and potatoes?
  • Do you eat processed foods such as tv dinners, lunchmeats, bacon, or fast food 3 x a week?
  • Do you drink caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea more than 2 times a day?
  • Do you drink diet sodas or use artificial sweeteners at least one time a day?
  • Do you sleep liess than eight hours per day?
  • Do you drink less than 64 ounces of water a day?
  • Are you sensitive to smoke, chemicals or fumes in the environment?
  • Have you taken antibiotics, antidepressants, or other medications?
  • Have you ever taken a birth control pill or other estrogen?
  • Do you have frequent yeast infections?
  • Do you have “silver” dental fillings?
  • Do you smoke?
  • Are you overweight or have fat deposits?
  • Do you feel tired, sluggish or fatigued throughout the day?
  • Do you suffer from bloating, indigestion, or frequent gas after eating?
  • Do you feel sad or depressed?
  • Do you have puffy eyes, feel anxious, or stressed?
  • Do you get breakouts or rashes?

The more anwers to “yes” the greater potential toxic burden you may be carrying and the more you’ll benefit from this detox.
The idea of this 7 day detox is to drink these smoothies for 7 days, snack on healthy veggies, and drink a ton of water! The shakes should make enough for 3 meals. Please snack on healthy veggies as needed throughout the day. Celery, cucumbers, apples, etc. are good ideas for snacks. Smoothies will stay good for up to 2 days in the fridge. You may alter the cleanse and only drink 2 smoothies and one healthy meal a day. Stay close to lean meats as you possibly can (3 oz. serving sizes), a salad with low calorie dressing, and a fruit for dessert or to curb your sweet tooth. 
Day 1
3 handfuls spinach
2 cups water
1 apple
1 cup frozen mangos
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 handful frozen or fresh seedless grapes
1 stevia packet
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds
Day 2
3 handfuls spring mix
2 cups water
1 banana
2 apples
1.5 cups frozen strawberries
2 stevia packets
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds
Day 3
1 handful spring mix greens
2 handfuls spinach
2 cups water
1.5 cup frozen blueberries
1 banana
1 apple
1 packet stevia
2 tablespoon ground flaxseeds
Day 4
2 handfuls kale
1 handful spinach
2 cup water
2 apples
1.5 cup frozen peaches
1.4 cup frozen mixed berries
2 packets stevia
2 tablespoon ground flaxseeds
Day 5
3 handfuls spinach
2 cup water
1 c frozen peaches
1 handful fresh or frozen seedless grapes
1.5 cup blueberries
3 packets stevia
2 tablespoon ground flaxseeds
Day 6
2 cup fresh spinach
1 cup pineapple chunks
2 cups frozen peaches
2 bananas
1.5 packet stevia
2 cup water
2 tablespoon ground flaxseed
Day 7
2 handfuls spring mix greens
2 handfuls spinach
1 banana
1.5 cups pineapple
1.5 cup frozen mango chunks
1 cup frozen mixed berries
3 packets stevia
2 cups water
2 tablespoon ground flaxseeds
Tips for success!!

  • Add protein to your shake to help you feel fuller longer.
  • Expect your weight to fluctuate- this is perfectly normal
  • Add ice
  • Make it taste good
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Drink herbal teas
  • Keep your bowels moving. Your bowels should move 1-3 times per day. It is imperative that your bowels move toxins out of your system while cleansing. If you do not move bowels for 24 hours please take a laxative such as mag07.
  • Don’t starve yourself! Be sure to snack between smoothies. This is not a starvation diet. Great snacks are high protein ones such as peanut butter or hard boiled eggs. You can also snack on uncooked veggies, fruits, and unsalted or raw nuts and seeds.


  • Headaches, pains, nausea. If you’re a coffee drinker, expect a headache the first few days. You may take Excedrin migraine to help your body with the caffeine withdraw.
  • Cravings- As your body detoxes, it craves foods it was used to. These will begins to decrease as your body gets rid of this toxic overload.
  • Fatigue- allow time to rest during this detox. Eliminating toxins will drain you and sometimes make you feel exhausted.
  • Irritability- not eating some of your favorite foods will make you irritable.

Results are guaranteed if you follow the exact recipes, drink your water, and give up 7 days to detox your body temple. Some lose 10-12 pounds in a week. I promise you, you make it through a week and you will FEEL AMAZING!



Toni Sweeney is a Triple Certified Ketogenic Diet and Primal Health Coach and weight loss expert who personally lost 80 pounds while making a total lifestyle change. The founder of TS Transformations, her formulas and plans has helped thousands of women lose weight and keep it off forever.

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